please enjoy:
my new (but long desired) Jesse Kamm tote.
my un-styled bookshelf containing measuring tape, sunglasses, regular glasses, cell phone, lip balm, ipod (my one sort of tech concession because i cannot handle people talking on their phones on the bus), tinted lip balm (from Fat & the Moon), beat up notebook, broken in hi-tops, wooden pocket mirror that i've had since high school, tissue box, geode, volunteer name tag, ribbon that accompanied a present that i feel bad getting rid of, hanging planter that needs hanging, and books.
our pistachio ice cream colored walls.

bottom shelf, left cubby, front right stack - is that a CD player?
also, did you buy a couch yet?
this makes it seem like i haven't checked your blog in 2 months but that's not true.
i think you're looking at the geode there? it's roughly cd size.
it would be just fine if you hadn't looked here in months. i often think about things to note but rarely follow through.
we haven't bought a couch yet! we decided a while back to investigate a company here in town that does custom work...they use hardwood and they build the couches in LA. it seems good & i think we're going to do it. but custom is also daunting and we were overwhelmed with options. i think my school quarter needs to end before i can re-focus my energy towards couch research.
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