January 23, 2013

moving, with MNZ box

moving, with MNZ box

packing and moving once again
reusing this golden paper & box from MNZ
made things a little nicer

oh so many books! oh so many ceramics!


michelle chamlee said...


eri said...

still in portland, just to a new neighborhood. into a place with two bedrooms! and a little backyard - pretty exciting actually.

i hope your move went well, MC.

michelle chamlee said...

sounds ideal! i love the feeling of starting fresh in a new place. i'll look forward to seeing photos.

i need to make an new blog post. we went to brownsville.. but left two weeks later. it was truly THAT bad. ouf.

mar.seaglass said...

I'm so excited for you (and jealous)!!

eri said...

you guys!
we moved today & it was so crazy. the movers were 2 hours late!! the apartment is so DIRTY, you have no idea. and it's a little bit ugly but i'm trying to make due. going to be painting & scrubbing until the end of time...

i'm cheering myself up by saying this will be a test run for honing our fixer up-er skills. for when hopefully one day when we buy a house. ahhhh.

eri said...

and by 'make due' i mean, 'make do'. geez.

michelle chamlee said...

omg, erin, did you SEE the place before moving in? it sounds likely you chose the place blindly! i hope it's coming along!

eri said...

haha, yeah we saw it beforehand. but there were still people in the space so their stuff covered the grime i guess. we knew it was a little bit on the ugly side but the neighborhood, extra room etc. out weighed the cosmetic things for the moment.

we did a lot this weekend so it's actually starting to come together. you know, we have nice stuff so it makes the place look nice. painting next!

mar.seaglass said...

Cleaning and scrubbing is a good work out, at least! I feel your pain; when we moved from Austin, our movers were also super late and it was stressful. Thank goodness the hardest part's over, though!