what is my work and what is my real work?
what is my real work and what earns me wages?
the full-time job interviews in synonym journal seem especially pertinent right now.

coincidentally, i just received my copy of synonym in the mail today.
slightly dampened by the Portland rain but deeply inspirational nonetheless.
photo by ann lowe
hi erin. our lives suddenly seem connected, for we just started following each other on pinterest and you are enjoying the magazine who's cover i happen to be on. glad to hear you are finding synonym's content inspiration and pertinent. leigh + amelia are amazing ladies/ friends of mine. a last thought: how can i subscribe to your blog? i tried to add your url to my google reader but it rejected it as if it doesn't exist.
hi michelle. i know, isn't it funny how these things work? after discovering synonym online i did various snoopings around on it's and leigh's website and realized that you were also involved.
it's certainly reassuring to know that there are like minded ladies making good things.
also, i think i fixed the google reader issue. my settings were weird before but i was able to add it just now.
you guys! erin, i'm so sorry about the rain problem. for issue 2 we will be using different packaging so that the magazine is better protected.
amelia, thanks! but it was really not a problem. the packaging was actually super lovely. it's hard to account for every type of weather.
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